- Printed on 4mm (3/16) Coroplast
- Matte Finish
- Indoor or Outdoor Use. Water Resistant.
- Max 48"x96" size.
- Allowed file extensions: Ai, PSD, PDF.
Please note, all print files must in 300 dpi resolution minimum. We will not be responsible for poor-quality prints due to the low resolution of original files.
All proof files will be color-coded as follows unless stated otherwise:
Red/Pink line = Finished product will be cut to this line
Blue line = All background image / color / artwork should extend to this line
Green line = All important information that is not getting cut/folded should be inside this line
No lines get printed on the final product, they are simply visual markers. - Click here for a sample template
- Click here to send large files: psfiles.wetransfer.com